Setting up an editor

Setting up a full editor ‘from scratch’, using only the core libraries, requires quite a lot of code. To be able to get started quickly with a pre-configured editor, we provide the prosemirror-example-setup package, which creates an array of plugins for you, configured to create a passable editing interface for a given schema. In this example, we use the basic schema and extend it with lists.

import {EditorState} from "prosemirror-state"
import {EditorView} from "prosemirror-view"
import {Schema, DOMParser} from "prosemirror-model"
import {schema} from "prosemirror-schema-basic"
import {addListNodes} from "prosemirror-schema-list"
import {exampleSetup} from "prosemirror-example-setup"

// Mix the nodes from prosemirror-schema-list into the basic schema to
// create a schema with list support.
const mySchema = new Schema({
  nodes: addListNodes(schema.spec.nodes, "paragraph block*", "block"),
  marks: schema.spec.marks

window.view = new EditorView(document.querySelector("#editor"), {
  state: EditorState.create({
    doc: DOMParser.fromSchema(mySchema).parse(document.querySelector("#content")),
    plugins: exampleSetup({schema: mySchema})

And this is what it looks like:

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6

Hello ProseMirror

This is editable text. You can focus it and start typing.

To apply styling, you can select a piece of text and manipulate its styling from the menu. The basic schema supports emphasis, strong text, links, code font, and images.

Block-level structure can be manipulated with key bindings (try ctrl-shift-2 to create a level 2 heading, or enter in an empty textblock to exit the parent block), or through the menu.

Try using the “list” item in the menu to wrap this paragraph in a numbered list.

These plugins are created by the example setup: